Thursday, May 7, 2015

the gift of being known.

"O Lord, you have searched me and you know me." Psalm 139:1
I like social media. I post pictures on Facebook and Instagram. I adore Pinterest. I write my thoughts on this blog.  I don't do it to brag or make myself appear to be something I'm not. I do it because I want to be seen. I long to be known. I do it because I belong to a little community of inspirational souls who have the same desire. Sometimes we get it wrong and post bullshit.  It's ok. We each have a little of that in us.  However, for the most part....I follow stunning, creative, honest & funny people who I want to know better. I look forward to your posts. I'm curious about you. What you're doing. Who you're doing it with. How you live. ESPeCIAlLY if you're mostly honest. It helps me feel less alone. More connected. You inspire me to live a better life. One that is a bit more vulnerable & authentic. You're good for me. You've helped me to grow.

It's all a part of my real life. My truest story. I'm not afraid to be seen. I'm living with my soul open.  I'm available. I actually long for you to know who I am. Show up at my door and I'll swing it wide open. Ask me anything and I'll tell.  I haven't always been this way. I've been doing the brave soul work of looking at my crap & nonsense. My shame & fear. All the things that get in the way of a wondrously free & happy life. I'm slowly but surely changing the tapes in my head.  Moving forward with a fresh set of rules.  A new language that matches what my heart is saying. Understood by some and mis-understood by others. It's risky. It's good. It matters. It all belongs. Because I believe that truth & love & connection is what life is all about. It's why we're here. It gives purpose and meaning to our crazy days. We belong to each other. We're here to walk one another home. It's a lovely, painful, sacred journey. I'm happy to be one of the marchers linked arm&arm.

Get to know who you are. Let others know who you are. Let go of who you think you ought to be. Be you. Let me assure you it's terrifying, and yet absolutely endearing and attractive. To be honest... we can smell phony and scared and fake a mile away. It just doesn't work. It's a waste of precious time. I'm honored when you tell hard stories. Say the scary words. The greatest act of courage is to be and own all that you are. Without apology. Without excuses & without any masks to cover the truth of who you truly are. We'll be besties for life. I promise. Plus. It's super FUN.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing! If you'd like, you can check out my blog, too! That'd be awesome! My name is Kelly (I'm Molly & Macy's aunt) My blog is Enjoy The Ride....I'd love to share!
