Friday, January 24, 2014


'I trust in thy mercy; my heart rejoices in thy salvation. I sing unto The Lord for He has dealt bountifully with me.' Psalm 13:5-6

You guys. Yesterday was a BOuNTIFUL DAY.  Early morning run along the (dry) river & secret keeping with a dearest friend. Mid morning writing session.  Lunch and sweet words with another dearest friend. The perfect finish ...a night with my precious&fun bible study girls. We cozied up at Shelley's around her table where she (loved us) fed us glorious delicious food on CHINA (not kidding;) followed by a 3 hour viewing of Les Miserable. Which happens to be about the COOLEST movie EVER invented/written/made. I'm not bragging about my day...but come on:))  my heart is STILL singing.

I'll never forget the first time I saw Les Miz. A theater at the beach with Kelly. We sat side by side and pretty much bawled through the entire thing. (you know what I'm saying.....the snotty sobbing kind of cry & we might have even held hands at the end...)   just wow. SUCH a bEaUtIfuL story of mercy & love & redemption. I keep watching it. Every single time I do, it CHANGES me. I will never get over the scene when Jean Valjean was shown MERCY by the benevolent Bishop. A tender mercy he had never known. He didn't deserve. It transformed him. Completely. Radically. For- eVER.
His soul was reborn. By charity. By kindness. By love. He became a steadfast vessel of all of it. He spent the rest of his days governed by COMPASSION. Extended it freely...even to his enemy. Over & over & over.

I want to BE like that. I adore this movie because it REMINDS me.  Reminds me of the mercy shown me every single sin-filled moment of my life. By a benevolent God. Who SEES me. kNOWS me. Is so very TENDER with me. Not because I DESERVE it. But because He LOVES. He is KIND. Generous. Bountiful. Merciful. I want to be all of ThAT. A life that sings of His scandalous MERCY.
His bEAUTIFuL salvation. His gLORIoUS grace. I say YES.  yES to all of it.

Love&mercy&grace to every soul. You are beloved. We all are.


  1. Finally have a day...all quiet and alone with no distractions to catch up on your beautiful blog. Thank you for your words that are sweet and enlightening, thought-provoking and honest. You in every way. Absolutely beautiful.

    1. Hi my Judi Blu❤️ this makes me so happy! THAnkyOU for reading & replying & encouraging. You are so very kind. I love & miss you. We have a date soon I'm thinking😊 big hugs & kisses to you & b.
