Tuesday, January 14, 2014


'Give thanks to The Lord for He is good; His love endures for-ever. Let the redeemed of The Lord tell their story.' Psalm 107

I was 13 years old when I went with my jr. high friend stephanie halverson to her family's Pentecostal church on Niles street in east bakersfield & 'invited Jesus into my heart'. I'll never forget. REAL experience. I felt different. It was a BiG DeaL to me. Then &Now.  That was exactly 40 years ago.  Four decades of loving&following Jesus. Studying&teaching his word.  Chasing God and his Will.
This relationship with Him has defined my life. I'm telling you this in case you need my christian credentials. I'm a believer. I have been redeemed and His love keeps redeeming me every single day. Truth.

My very FIRST best friend in life is my big brother Tommy. He was born exactly 11 months before me. We are genuine Irish twins. He is the smartest guy I know. Brilliant. He's also one of the kindest most generous and loving souls I've ever known. Since the day I was born I felt lucky to be his baby sister.  He lives in Germany. Has a bad-ass job and travels the world. I'm so very very very proud of him. He's a beautiful man. I adore him. He happens to also be gay. (NoT by CHOICE.)  He's gay. That's it.   So.

I can't tell his story. But. I can tell mine. When christian people get all judgy & hateful towards homosexuals I take it personally. It's more hurtful & painful then you can wrap your mind around. There is something SO fundamentally WRONG with it.
I used to be twitchy & nervous when the conversations would begin. Not sure how to respond because I KnOW what the bible says. I Get IT.  Fear kept me quiet. It's a passionate subject. We won't all agree. BUt. What I do know is this.  LOVE is mentioned 697 times in the new testament.
Homosexuality is mentioned 6 times in the entire bible. (Jesus never mentioned it once.)

We need not agree or understand or have it all figured out. But we must love. We need to love. Love opens doors. Love heals.  Love leads. Love wins. While I'm here on this earth. I want to learn to love better. We can all learn to love better. If we are not growing in love, we are not growing.  Period.  
    (That's it on this. For now:)

Love&Grace to ALL.


  1. So grateful that God's love never fails and it's ours to share freely, as we have received freely.

    1. I like that word. Freely.❤️. (& I like you too. A lot.😊)

  2. My dear friend, YOU DID IT. I love this and you and everything that goes on in that heart of yours. Keep all this up. All of it.

    1. Again. I'm one very lucky girl to know you. The words you speak to me bring life. Thank you from my guts❤️ I heart you. A lot.
