Friday, February 15, 2013


"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and it's people are like grasshoppers."  Isaiah 40:22

I'm calling this post L's.  The letter L. Lots of L's.  Loss&Lent&Love.  Pretty much sums up whats been happening over here. Lots of all of that. LOTS. My heart is Tender. Repentant. Full.  I kinda like how things hit all at once. I know. Weird.  But it sure gets my attention. When the waves come and then keep coming....and then hit again.....I'm AWARE of  the ONE who keeps me standing. A little salty & sandy. BUt. Still Standing. Hopeful. Breathing.  Shakey yet fine. Really very FINE. I get some NEEdEd perspective. And here it is.... I am BUT DUST. A grasshopper. Not that big of a deal. I have a tendency to get carried away.  All my GIGANTIC PLANS & ridiculous expectations. hopes. dreams (yada yada)......are really just small & unimportant. Insignificant. You know. i mean...In the BIG picture. There is a REALLy BiG PICTUrE. Massive. God's in charge of it.  I'm not. Good to know. Helpful to remember. He's got this. that light...My vote is that it's not a coincidence that Lent Day & Valentine's Day sit side by side this week. To me they both mean the same thing. This LIFE. At the end of the DAY is ALL aBoUt LOVING GOD & LOvING PEOPle. That's ALL. Every road leads back to THIS.  LENT&LOVE.  Lent: SToP doing stuff that gets in the way.  Love: StARt doing stuff that matters.  I'm not kidding. Why do I make things COMpLiCATEd. A BIggEr deal than it is. When it's all rEaLLy SIMpLE.  Silly me. Seriously. Come on....How much can GOd expect from a bunch of GrASsHOPPeRs anyway?  We're cute but just not that smart;)