Thursday, February 21, 2013


".....& to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:19

I love to ShOp. Have I mentioned that yet? If not. I'm gonna tell you now. I'll tell you ALL about it.  I think SHOPpInG is SUPER FuN. I wish I could say I was a FrUgAL shopper. You know...the girl who goes to Marshall's. TJ Maxx. Walmart. etc etc etc....Looks for sales. Finds the DEALS..cuts the coupons......but I can't. I don't. I wish I could. I've never been HER. (dang it)    Here's the painful TRuTh. I rEaLLy LOVE Nordstrom. Pottery Barn. Target. (Crate&Barrel. Bloomingdales. LULuLemon. etc etc etc..........) A LOt. I know. It's BaD. A little embarrassing really. BuT seriously...have you seen the  CUTE STUfF in these places. People. Like. WOW. Especially right NOW. In the SPRINg. Are you kidding me. The new Tory Burch Flats. I could just die. PrEttY ThInGs. NEW ThInGs. Yes. PLEaSe;)) all day.

Shallow. Unspiritual. Superficial. Materialistic. Wasteful. .......I know. I get it. I ReaLizE it ALL. You can't tell me anything that I don't already TELL MYSeLf.  Trust me. I'm 51 years old.  I've loved JESuS AND SHOppInG (in that order, mostly;) my ENTIrE life. It's not the SHOPpInG that gets in the way so much. It's the SPEnDIng. These places GiVE me CreDit Cards for heavens sakes.  Can you believe it?  What are they thinking? I am NoT to be trusted with CReDit CArds. I get CARrIED away. I think there is some kind of MaGiC DusT they sprinkle on me when I walk through their doors. ANYWAY......I think you get the picture. Here's the point:  I GAVe Up SHOPpInG for LENT.  I have a DEbt that I need to pay. My DebT is what has been in the WAY. So. I'm taking care of it. I've actually been taking care of MANY things that have been IN THE WAY. Of LoViNg God. Loving pEoPLe. OF GROWING.  OF Being a HEALTHY & HAPPy gIRL.  FiLLED UP TO THE FULLeSt MeASuRe. That's my GOAL. FILLed  UP With GOOd.  with GOD. with LOvE.❤

p.s. BUT if SoMeHoW I  ACCIDENTALLY  end up at Talulas or The Green Thumb in the next 40 days & you happen to SeE me...point me towards the doors and give me a gentle shove.... I'll thank you later;))


  1. Oh Boy! I may be in trouble. I just bought Emma a pair of Tory Burch Ballet flats last week. BAD Mom! ;) What is she going to think? Money grows on trees? Or better yet my purse? Lol. Nahhh... Emma is so much better with her money than I am. In fact, I should partake in your Lent Free shopping but instead I think I'll be the BEST citizen and keeeeeep the economy growing. :D GO USA! <3

    1. oh you sweet & funny girl. you make me smile:)) xxoo

  2. Replies
    1. ooooohhhhh.....thank YOU!!!! this makes me so happy!!! xxxxoooo
