Tuesday, July 21, 2015

afraid of nothing.

'There is no fear in love.' 1John 4:18
I'm living and breathing and waiting. Hoping. Praying. Counting on.....the day when I'm afraid of nothing. When we're ALL afraid of not one thing. Because I know then, love has won. Love wins. It's the one thing that wins every game. Wins every relationship. Wins every war. Wins every misunderstanding. Wins every heartbreak. Wins every lie. Wins every fear. Wins every political disagreement. Wins every religious divide. Wins every family break-up. I long for love to take up every ounce of me. Perfect love casts out all fear. His love is a fire in my soul that keeps burning and growing. Consuming & profoundly transforming me.

The love of God in Christ is abundant. I live in abundance. There is so much of everything good and right in this world. That's what I'm involved in. So much to preach FOR. Why waste a precious minute on anything else. Everyone is in. If you're gay, you're in. If you're transgender, you're in. If you're divorced, you're in. If you're an addict, you're in. If you're poor, red-head, pimply-faced, lonely, overweight, white, brown, black, orphaned, lonely, afraid, bulimic.... You're in. You're more loved and treasured and valued than you can even dream. By me. By humanity. By God.

You're enough. Just the exact way you are. Don't you dare believe anything different. You are a light. A child of God. The Maker of the universe. On behalf of Christians everywhere, I apologize if we have made you feel anything less.❤️


  1. Love, love, love this. "On behalf of Christians everywhere, I apologize if we have made you feel anything less." Wonderful. Beautiful. Pure and simple. I'm in. And I'm loving it.

  2. Awe! Thank you dear Cindy!! You are a beautiful human being!!!

  3. My all time fave kymmie post! Thank you for being unafraid my sweet friend. Love does win. Everytime! ❤️YOU. cb;)

    1. Oh how kind you are my dearest cb❤️ Love you forever.
