Tuesday, July 1, 2014


"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights." James 1:17

I'm the bird. Jeff's the hand. We've learned to live a happy life together as the bird& the hand. I love change. Jeff likes familiar. I love new. Jeff likes old. I love to fly away. Jeff likes to settle in. I love moving. Jeff likes staying. So we stay...and then we move. We just moved. We've been married thirty years and this is our sixth move. (The bird isn't too crazy:).

Since I was little I've dreamed of living in Olde Stockdale. I've driven the neighborhood a zillion times noticing & admiring & breathing in the charm and history. Imagining the stories. The families born & raised. Many moving back to raise their own. Each house unique. Big. Small. Old. New. Fancy. Plain. Run-down. Fixed-up. Colonial. Spanish. Ranch. Traditional. Mid-century modern. Bungalows and mansions side by side. Gigantic trees and lush landscaping. This neighborhood so full of beauty & kind people whom we know and love. I thought it a brilliant idea to live here. My husband, because he loves me and because he's fabulous, agreed.

We found our new/old perfectly dreamy rambling cottage and sold our house to a dear friend. We were out in three weeks. Moved in with Mike&Kel for five weeks while escrow&paint&carpet and all such things were happening. So N O W.....we are moved IN. In. We live here. I can't stop smiling. It's fairytale-ish. Truly. Can't wait for the gatherings and celebrations & memories made and stories told here. We plan on adding to the L O V E & the H A P P Y of this precious old neighborhood. Come see us. You're all invited.

Mostly. I want to say T H A N K Y O U to Katy our friend&realtor. I called her Olivia Pope during the whole buying/selling process. She was absolutely our gladiator. Our fixer. Honest&Smart&Relentless. She made shit happen;)❤️

Also Mostly. T H A N K Y O U M&K for inviting us in when we were homeless. You're E A S Y &
F U N housemates. Such laughter & memories & wine!!!  We adore you. So glad you're ours.❤️

Finally & Most Mostly. Thank you J. The hand. The one who keeps me flying back to a safe place to land. You have made all my dreams come true. I couldn't possibly love you more.


  1. Love this post... Beautiful like you! ❤️��

  2. Thanks for mentioning the dreamiest, mid century modern:). Welcome to the hood!

    1. of course it was your dreamy dream-house I was thinking of. so so so glad to be neighbors again....20 years later!!! God's pretty creative&sneeky&fun❤️

  3. Kym so happy for you and Jeff. Enjoy the years to come in your dream house. I am sure your family gatherings will be so much fun. I know I cherish all our times with the family and the grandkids : )

    1. Thank you!!! We will for sure!! (You came up anonymous?) I appreciate your kind words❤️

  4. Oh, I hope to come visit, Mimi! Love and miss you always <3

    1. Jilly!! Come&visit....always a room for you❤️
