Monday, July 1, 2013


The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but The Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7b

Life has become super simple for me. Simple. Simple. Simple. It's been a journey gettin here. I'm still clumsy & clueless & can complicate things....but over all....I'm delighted (&thankful) with this simple little life of mine. Mostly because I have TiME & SPACE & AVAILaBiLiTY for people. To LISTEN. LoVE. ENJoY.  To be PRESENT. My DrEAM is to Get to KnOW lots of NEW people. To just be SUPER comfortable hanging out with people who are DIFFeRENT than me. Look different. Live different. Think different. I WaNT TO HEAR YOU. Really LIsTEN to YOU. Christian. Jewish. Mormon. Catholic. Black. White. Gay. Straight. Young. Old. Republican. Democrat. Tattooed. Pierced. Rich. Poor. Educated. Uneducated. Fancy. Plain. Happy. Sad....(well...unless you're MeAN&CrANKy. then...maybe not)......I want to hear your STORY. Hear your HEART. Have HOnEST conversations without JuDGeMENT. Without agenda. See you the way GOD does. Be your friend.

Here's what I'm practicing:  NOT making QUICK SwEEPING JUDGe-Y comments in my HeAD or OuTLoUd about ANYONE. Ever. It's hURTFUL. It's NOT HELPFUL. At ALL.  I want to be HELPfUL. a SAfE PLaCE. a place you can find healing. You know. Like AUgUSt BOaTWRIGhT in The SEcReT LifE of Bees.  Yep. I'd love to be MORE like HER. She was a keeper of bees & a keeper of hearts. Listen. "Bee Yard Etiquette:  She reminded me that the world was really one Bee yard & the same rules apply to both. Don't be afraid as no life-giving BEe wants to sting you. Don't even think about swatting. If you feel angry, WHISTLE. Anger agitates while whistling melts a bees temper. Above all, send the BEEs LOVE. Every little thing wants to be LOvED."  See. Brilliant. Simple. Huh? Just send the bees love.  & I'm practicing my whistling, too.


  1. I love this post! I too would love to live simple, as Jesus did, see people as God sees them! "send the bees love"...I like that!! I want to live that way!! :)
    (I'm glad you are back writing again).
