Wednesday, July 3, 2013


"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is is pure, whatever is lovely,whatever is admirable, - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things." Philippians 4:8
Being HeALtHy has forever been important to me. Really as far back as I can remember. I've been an athletic-exercise  girl. And now in my fifties it's ImPErATIvE to my mental&emotional&spiritual&physical health to exercise every day. So I do. It's just habit. I really don't give it much thought. The pay-off is HuGE. I don't compare my habit to anyone else's. I just do what works best for me. I'm SUPeR INSpiReD, though, by my PeEpS who stay healthy. I have other habits that I build into my daily life to keep healthy. They ALL SEeM TO BE CONNeCTED.
   Example #1.  I gave up SuGAR for the month of MAY. (Inspired by a friend who doesn't EAT SUGAR EVER.  EVER sounded toooo long for me.....:) it wasn't super fun but really not super hard either. It was just HABIT.  No SUGAR MAY was really HEALTHY. Again. For many different reasons. The pay-off was HUGe. I'll do it again.
  Example #2.  I read "Daring Greatly" by BreNe Brown. Let me just say...I have a CRUSH on this book. Thank you, BreNe. You're my new BFF. You've helped me recognize UNHeALTHy thoughts that have governed little bits of me. I'm replacing some old thinking habits with newer-healthier-braver ones. It feels risky & vulnerable & courageous all at the same time. (more on this later.) Reading "Daring Greatly" was super HeALtHy. The pay-off has been huge.
  Example #3.  I LOVE scripture. Memorize it. Think on it. Apply it. Humbled by it. Rejoice in it. Soak in it. Marvel at it. Surprised by it. Changed by it. Captured by it. THANKFUL for it. Scripture is a HEALTHY HABIT.  Keeps me honest. Keeps my perspective. The pay-off is HUGE. God is MAGNIFiCENT.

What I'm learning about getting healthy.. living healthy... staying healthy... is... it's a PROCESS. It's
not ALL or NOtHiNG. There will for-ever be ROOm in me for change. For growth. For a fresh start.
 A NEW BegInniNg. A realized bad habit that needs to GO. A chance to ADD something GOOd. (People. Are you listening? this is such FABULoUS NEWS!)  Never too late to get HEALthY.


  1. Oh my friend! I just saw this. Your writing is soooooo pure and amazing. I love, love, love reading what you write. I think you are keeping these little gems to yourself. Your readership will love this. I love how you think and feel. And your habit of exercising has made your figure beautiful, but your habit of loving the Lord with all your heart and learning His ways has made you more beautiful than words can express! You are such a great example. Love my friend!

    1. Awe awe...Dana....THanK You KinD FRiEND!!! You make me SMILE!!
      I Love your GeNeRouS WoRDs & YOur ReFreSHinG SpIRiT. xxxxxooooo
