Friday, March 1, 2013

Story. (part 2)

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth....." Genesis 1:1

'Redeeming Love' by Francine Rivers. One of my MOST favorite books of all time. If you haven't read it. Do it. Now. You wont be able to put it down. I promise. It's captivating. Heart-rending. SO WORTH READING. I buy a new copy each summer. Read it & give it away.  I don't usually read a novel more than once. BUt. I'm CRaZY about THIS book. LOVE EVERY WORD. It's beautiful & tragic & ..(spoiler alert)...ends happy. EVeRy GiRL I know needs to read it. I must insist. It tells the StORY of Michael Hosea (think Tim Tebow).  His obedience to God. His pursuit of a girl named Angel (think of  any girl unworthy of Timmy).  The BOATLOAD of struggles & sufferings & conflicts& frustrations he endures to get what he WaNts....... & he WANTS the GiRL. She doesnt DESerVe him. She doesnt even WANT him back. STILL....He NEVER gives up.  BECauSe of LOVE...... He keeps pursuing Angel.  LOVE MOTIVATES him.....& in the end....LOVE ReDEEMS HER.'s the reason I'm enchanted with this story.  It's an allegory. Michael represents God. Angel represents us. You & me. The STORY is absolutely UNBELIEvEaBLE. It makes NO SENSE. This BEAUTIFUL&AMAZING MAN......who could have ANY GIRL he chooses...picks the one who is the MOST UNWORTHY. The MOST MESSeD Up. The GIrL who has NOT ONE THiNg to GIVE in ReTURN. Nothing to offer EXCePT brokenness & trouble & heartache. And yet, she's the one he picks. She's his beloved........Just like us. God picks us. Me & you. We're His PRIZE. His BeLOvED. The reason He wrote the SToRY. His StORy. A SacRed RoMaNcE. I'm the MOST MESSeD-Up. YET.....He calls me His BriDe. His TreAsuREd Possession. He PURSUES me with a pErFeCt LOVE that I cannot even IMAGINE.  A GeNeRouS LOvE  that heals & protects & saves & meets my every need. A LOvE that OVERWhELMs me with HoPe & GrATiTUDe & JoY. A LOVE THaT REDEEMS me my LIFE. WOwEeE. What a STORY. I still can't believe I get to be the GiRL. But....I'm SO veRy VeRy GLAD i am;))


  1. Love, love, love, love this blog entry! You have a way with words, m'dear, and I'm so happy to get to read them!
