Friday, January 25, 2013


"I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him." Lamentations 3:24

I took a week off from writing. It wasn't an intentional vacation but it was needed. It started last Saturday. We had three whole days together at the beach with friends. I wanted to Be PRESeNt. ENJOy my people. Not HAVE to DO anything. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this new found JOY. This WRITING. An UNEXPECTEd DELIGHT to my SOUL.......BUT. It. iS WORK. It's DISCIPLiNE. It'S NOT EASY & QUIcK. Not for ME anyway. I'm So SLOW. I'm NOT A WRITER. It doesn't come NATURAL. It takes me HOURS to get just a WEE THOUGHT down on paper. I think mostly because I NEED it to be TRUE. REAL. HONEST. VALUABLE. ENcOUrAGING.    & takes TIME. A BIG block of time. It can't be RUSHEd. Or SQUEEZeD In.   I SIT. I pray. I ThiNk. I listen. I REad. I take notes. I WAIT..... Drink 10 cups of hot tea..... & THEN......about 4 hours later;).....I WRiTE.

This PROCESS is God's SNEAKY way of getting me to LOOK at Him. To See Him.  REaLly listen. REALly HeAR. ABiDE. ENJoY. SOAK IN. dRINK IN. mAKE some SeNSE. OF. LIFE.  Things that were FUZZy  become CLEAr.  Random thoughts settle down and work themselves into a SToRY. Words get strung together that speak TRuTH about REAL LIFE. My LIFE. oUr LiVES.
It's important. This process.  It's the 'WORK'  He's assigned to me for today. The outcome is not even the POiNt. The PROCESS is the point. The learning to ABIDE & LIsTeN. To think things through.....all the WAY through to the 'AHA' part. Pay ATTENTION & FOCUS as long as it takes to get to the POinT. The LESsON.  I want it to MATTeR. To CHaNGe me.  Make me BRaVEr. SOFTeR. KInDER. MORE PATIENT. More like HiM.  So I WAIT & I WRITE.  HOPInG HopiNG HOPinG the PROCESS is making me MORE LIKE HIM.    Pen in hand & fingers crossed;))


  1. I beg to differ... you ARE a writer. You are more a writer than we professed writers are writers. :) I love reading this blog. What a joyful find!!

    1. kay. it's official. I love you dana martin. 💖
