"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I'm attracted to people who are HAppY. The ones who shine from the inside out. Who look on the bright side and who's cup is half FULL. People who have a playful spirit & speak helpful words & look at life through the eyes of GRaTiTudE. You know the ones. They're EAsY. They're StEaDy. SOLid. They're the SAME.......SaMe as in NOT mOOdY. NEEdY. CRiTiCAL. WHiNeY. EgGShELl-Y. SAmE as in I know what to EXPECT. Life-GIVErS. Not life-SUCKERs. I'm on the LOOKout for These PEoPLE. Yep. They're out there. i KnOw a bunch of 'em. THeY have a SeCrET. & I have a HUnCH about it......
The SeCRET might start HERE. 1THeSSaloNiAns 5:16-18. This little baby hidden treasure. Read it AGAIN. sLOwLY. OuTlOuD. It's super amazing. Eye opening. Simple. Sweet & Hopeful. God's WILL for us. THIS is what He PlANs for us. Wants for us. Dreams for us. You & me. The apostle PauL discovered it. He KNEw it. liVEd it. Circumstances ASIDE. (He had a pretty ROUgH GO.) The SeCRET to LIFE. "Be JOYFUL. Be PRAYErFuL. Be ThANKFUL." Joy. Prayer. Gratitude...... Listen. He says to us: 'BE THIS'. & so it makes me think that it's entirely POsSIBLE. Probable even. An attitude. A practice. A habit. A CHOiCE. Counting blessings & Giving thanks. It turns into a boatload of JOY. IT DOES. FOR SURE. It's the SEcReT. Give it a TRY. WHO couldn't use a little more JOY. There's always RoOM for MORE JOY. Right?
"It's not JOY that makes us GRATEfUL. It's GRATITUDE that makes us JOyFUL." BAM.
And there you have it;) Yippee!
kym. what a lovely thought. and how very true. you know, 1 thes. 5:16-18 is my absolute favorite verse. so favored, in fact, that i rode a bus to get a tatoo thats says JOY (in an undisclosed location:) the day i turned 18. thanks for reminding me why it's there!
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome. & I did know about your cute tattoo. I like;)
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