Wednesday, January 21, 2015


"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." Psalm16:5
Happy. Happy. Happy New Year. I'm
all about NEW.  I love fresh starts. I adore change and resolutions & let's try something DIFFERENT.  January is my crush.  I have all kinds of  plans and intentions for this BRIGHT& SPARKLY YEAR ahead.  How-ever.  Before I write about new things and moving forward....I need to sit still a moment & give my deepest heartfelt thanks to last year for being so damn AWESOME.  No seriously.
I just re-read my first post of 2014 . I remember how scared I was to write honest words that I knew would raise eyebrows among a couple of groups of people in my life. I wrote about leaving church. I wrote about my gay brother. I wrote true words that were hiding quietly underneath the practiced & perfected words that I had been speaking for so long. I was brave& honest and it changed me.
A year later. Here I am. This is the real me. Truly.  I'm not afraid to speak up and say what I need to say. I trust myself. I trust the voice in my head. It's much kinder & less bossy than it used to be. I don't need to be right. I don't need you to agree with me. I just need to speak. I appreciate ANYpreciousONE who listens & hears without judgement. Because we all need to speak & be heard. We just do.
So. CHEERS to 2014. You were so very good to me. You provided all the days I needed to change and grow and face my fears. I completely enjoyed you, am thankful for you &I'll never forget.

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