"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." Ephesians 2:8
A NeW WoRd that I can't get out of my head. 'Wheelhouse'. I know. It's an OLD word. But. For me it's holding some NEW meaning. I like the picture that it paints in my mind. A BiG STroNG WhiTE PADDLE on a RivErBOAT making its way uPStReaM. That's what I see. The WheeLhOuse being the SoUrCe of its eNeRgy. Paddling. Pulling. Splashing. FoCuSeD. MoViNG. BriLLianTLy & powerfully through the SpaRKly WaTEr. but.....the WoRD...'WhEELhouSE' itself is used in all SoRTs of ways: the pOwEr ZoNe for a baseball batter....the HoME & vantage point for the captain of a boat...a person's aReA of expertise...the pLaCe from which a vessel can be NaViGaTeD.....the CeNtER of CoNTRoL. (It all sounds a bit like the SaMe ThiNg.) WheeLHoUsE. I have one. You have one. What does it mean. WhERe is it. WHO is it. What's my power-zone. shelter. expertise. navigation. CENTeR? What do i LET control&drive&motivate me. Each day. ReaLLY. Not just WORDs. What do I ThiNK? How do I LivE? HoNeStLY. privately. truly. hmmm.....
here it is. here's my thought. LiFE comes from the wheelhouse. It's a pLaCE of EnerGy. Love. Passion. It determines WHO i am. WhERe i'm going. What my SToRy is ABouT. AnD...after PoNDeRinG. .....i can say hoNESTLy that it's my FaITH...my FAITH is my WheeLHouSE. My FAiTh. That's all. Love & Hope IN Christ. My FAITH in JESUS. I'm madly in LOVE with Him. HE alone is the SOURcE for moving me upstream. His WORD. The TRuTH of the BibLE is my pOwEr-Zone. I can't EXpLaIn it really. I JUST KNOW. It's a magical mystery. My faith in Christ....Moves the PADDLE. KeePs me GOInG. gROWING. gROUNDED. ShELteRED. UnAffECtED. happy. settled. thankful. ready for the next thing. unafraid of what's around the bend.
by GraCE. & gift. Jesus is my WhEELhouSe. It's through him. From him. In him. It's all Him.
It's JeSUS. ;))
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