"Commit to The Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
I went to a 'Storyline' conference in San Diego last weekend. All by myself. It was put on by a few of my VERY FaVOriTe authors. I was the girl sitting in the front row for two days WiDe-EyEd and MesMeRiZed. They spoke of God & Life & Story. I HEARD SO MANY BeAuTiFul THiNgS told by truly BeAUtIFUl peoPLe. They used words like WHeeLHouSe & AgEncy & SubPLoT. They shared personal DrEAMs & PaSsioNs & TrAnSforMaTioNs. They asked lots of brilliant QUeStIoNs. LiKe: What will the world MISS if you don't tell your story? What IS YOuR story? Is it MeAniNgFuL? Do you know WHO you are? Do you know WHAT you want? Can you identify the CONFLICT? What's the PLAN to get there? What are the STAKES? Phew. I know. Deep. SO....If.....I can AnSWeR those questions....I'm LiVInG a GrEAt SToRY. Strong sense of MEaNiNg. Isn't THaT what we're ALL after? A MeAnIngfuL LifE that tells a FAbULouS STORY. I say YES;). I know I am.
EVERy single WoRd said over the weekend (&there were BiLlioNs;) InSpIRed me. SerIouSly. INSPIRED every cell in my body. They SPOkE my language. I've been asking GOD the same question for the past year. HOw do I LiVe a BETtEr STORy? The EXpERiEnCe I'm having in LiFe is My RespOnsibilitY. It's up to me. I get this AWESoMe chance to EdiT my life. CHaNge some thInGs. Re-FraMe. Re-StruCtuRe. Drop & add. Plus...GoD's the BESt STORyTeLLeR. It's the MoST EXCiTinG thought EVER that I am a pArT of HIS BEAUTIFUL OSCAR-WORThY;) STORY. Adventure&Love&Conflict&Transformation. I'm IN. How about YoU? How can YoU LiVe a BETTeR StoRy? Starting today. Let's InSPiRe EaCh OtHeR;).
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