Monday, November 24, 2014


'Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored His name.' Malachi 3:16

At holiday season I get really really terribly nostalgic. Normal. Right? It's a few days before Thanksgiving. &A L M O S T Christmas. Which are truly the VERY same thing in my mind.
Completely& hopelessly thankful for the GIFT of God. For the gift of Grace. For the gift of Life&L O V E &family. My cute red christmas stuff is out. Because I can't help it. Because it's our first holiday in our new/old rambling cottage house. And because it's important. To welcome a season who's aim is joy&peace. Anticipation has settled in my heart.
I'm hoping to chronicle the next month here. Thanksgiving at the beach. (Tradition at my sissy's.) Christmas in Bakersfield. (Tradition at my house & My Ant Bert's.)  A month 
of L O V E  leading to Christmas. Filled up with the best family&friends ever.  You guys. My calendar & my heart are already F U L L.  

Thursday, November 20, 2014


'Listen, listen to me, & eat what is good and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.' Isaiah 55:2
Super thankful. For a million tiny beautiful reasons. I'm in love. With life. With God. With my brilliantly wonderful people. Can't remember a year that has been richer, deeper or more sacred. Listening to the voice that matters. Eating what is good. Paying attention to the present. Staying out of other people's business. Noticing the graces of the moment. Staying inspired. Enjoying honest connection. Finding the good in our difference. Open to all things new. Learning from everyone. Spending my yes's wisely. Deciding who I will disappoint(&knowing it's ok). Understanding which circus &monkeys are mine(&knowing which aren't). Creating my own wild & precious life. Moment by moment. Day by day. 
This has been a glorious year. Of healing.Transformation. Reconciliation. Every step. Every struggle. Every misunderstanding. Every mistake. Every disappointment. Every regret. Every tear. All necessary. It all belongs. Because now I'm HERE. I like it here. It's anti-hustle. Anti-frantic. Anti-competitive. Anti-judge-y. HERE is warm & whimsical & silly. It's quiet &peaceful &content. It's spacious &open &free. My heart& soul &mind whispering thankyouthankuouthankyou.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


'For you were once darkness, but now you are light in The Lord. Live as children of light.' Ephesians 5:8
I went to Chicago last week for a magical adventure. A writers conference spilling over with good energy & lit-up people. It was everything I hoped it would be. Beyond.  Donald Miller. Shauna Neiquist. Glennon Melton. Bob Goff. I hugged and met & instagramed these dreamy authors. I listened and scribbled notes while they told secret stories. I was in heaven. Not one thing is sweeter to my soul than hearing an honest true brave hard-to-tell real life story. The one that tells me W H O you A R E.  I'll fall head over heels in love with you on the spot. 
This is Glennon Melton. I have a crush on her. She's a soul lover. Truth teller. Super brave writer. I feel connected to her because she lets me know who she actually is when she writes. She lives in light. Carries it with her like a torch. Leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.  See. Look. We're all glowy & sparkly.
These are my real-life friends. Darci&Rhonda. They're the coolest. I made them come with me.
 I think they're glad they did.
There are so many best parts about Chicago.  I'm slowly sorting them out like Halloween candy. 
Don't want to forget. I like to remember that I have lots of space to grow. To be better. Kinder. Braver. It's really so exciting. To know that we can change. That we create our own lives. That we don't have to be stuck. Ever. That we're all wanted& loved &treasured by God. That he invites us into a life of 
rich connection&light. Unnecessary to fight over it. More than enough for us all. I got to witness it. Be a part of it. Share in it. Bring it home with me. Five days of church.
Thanks, Windy City.❤️